• Extend the number of residents of the Business Incubator
  • Extend the number of successful students startup projects
  • Support BI Residents Networking even after graduating MDIS Tashkent
  • Organize and hold business incubation and acceleration educational programs on a regular basis
  • Enhance financing opportunities for BI residents startups
  • Increase the representation of MDIS Tashkent BI residents in external events and platforms


Business Incubator Plans for 2025

  • Launching of smart learning programs - for 30 students
  • Short IT and Business courses in collaboration with School of Business and Management - 3
  • Organization of a series of Master Class/Startup Advice with the local lectures - 4
  • Organizing and conducting training and consultation on soft skills for residents of BIC – 2
  • Organization and conducting the MDIS Tashkent Business Incubation Program for the new students and non-students on business idea development - 7
  • Conducting incubation programs – 4
  • Investor pitches within the Demo day – 2
  • And many more.

The collaboration between MDIST and INHA University, Turin University aims to foster student connections, promoting mutual support in the development of startup projects. Through this event, students from both institutions will engage in networking and knowledge-sharing, working together to explore innovative business ideas and entrepreneurial opportunities. This initiative encourages collaboration, strengthens startup ecosystems, and helps students transform their ideas into viable businesses with the support of peers and experts from both universities

Events (August-October 2024)

  • Inno Week Training organized by Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 12 August.
  • “Best recommendation” contest for Business Development
  • BRB Fintech Hackcelerator organized by Business Development Bank at Amity University on 30 August.
  • Within a year planned to organize a series of trainings and thematic meetings for young people in the field of business start up, tourism and IT, and to hold events aimed at increasing the knowledge and potential of students in this direction. (“Business Fundamentals” Workshop on 18 September)

Conducting the following incubation program, in partnership with IT Park: startup is the introductory part of the project, the creation and development of ideas in business, startup marketing and PR, presentation of startup projects to the public

  • Movie Night at the Business Incubation Centre. We screened a motivational business film that highlights entrepreneurial journeys, challenges, and successes. It’s a great way to relax, connect with fellow students, and get inspired to take your next step in the business world!
  • MDIS Tashkent Visits INNO Technopark and Meets with Korean Universities!
  • MDIST Participates in conference featuring Eric Grimson on AI Innovations
  • On October 17-18, 2024, Tashkent State University of Economics is organizing a III Forum “Global and national economic trends: Uzbekistan – 2030”. The forum includes conferences, master classes and exhibitions, aimed at creating a space for the exchange of research and practical experience of international and national experts in the socio-economic development.


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