MDIS Tashkent staff, students, Alumni and other independent researchers are eligible to be registered for LRC services. The ID card acts as a Library borrower card. MDIST staff (administrative staff and lecturers) and students have to come to Learning Resource Centre to register a membership. MDIS Tashkent ALUMNI and Independent Researchers can register a membership via following webpage.

Students who lost their ID card should contact Student Services Unit.

Yes! Learning Resource Centre has subscribed to certain international and local periodicals.

Yes! MDIS Tashkent provides its students with full-text searches of a wide range of periodicals in a specific subject, e-books,  and statistical papers through the following database systems:

Users are divided into 2 types: Privileged Users who can borrow up to 7 different items and General Users who can borrow no more than  6 different items at a time.

Only Students’ Council members with special ID cards can be considered as Privileged users.

Privileged Users may reserve up to 5 different items for a maximum one (1) week in advance, while General Users are eligible to reserve 3 different items at a time.

Students may borrow academic books for one week, lecturers and staff for a duration of one semester. Fiction books can be borrowed for two weeks.  All users must return books by the due dates or with a maximum delay of up to one day which is considered to be a day of grace.

Yes. Library personnel can advise on how to search electronic sources for your subject via databases.   Workshops about Library Regulations and using databases are also held for students by Library personnel.

You must have an account which can be created through following steps:

a) Approach Cashier's Office

b) Pay the minimum payment

After creation of account, you can print out or copy study materials.

No. Eating and drinking (except bottled water) is strictly prohibited. Any breach of the rules of behavior may result in the temporary suspension of the Library and computing facilities. You are strongly advised to read the Library Regulations.

Yes! All students are allowed to use their laptop in Learning Resource Centre and get access to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Yes, if a student brings borrowed items late he must pay fines according to Learning Resource Centre regulations.

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