Teachers and administration staff internships are organized at the Singapore University of Management Development in the Republic of Singapore every year. Accordingly, MDIS Tashkent staff is offered vocational trainings in management, personal and professional development provided at MDIS (Republic of Singapore). In addition to accurately prepared lectures, MDIST teachers and employees are awarded the opportunity to be acquainted with the work of their colleagues and have a mutual exchange of experiences. Since 2008, over 50 MDIS Tashkent staff received the instruction at advanced level. “Discover Turkey” is another student and staff exchange programme organized within the framework of MDIS Tashkent and Seljuk University (Republic of Turkey) cooperation. In 2019, the Fashion School ambassadors had the opportunity to study the Singapore Fashion Industry specifics and subsequently apply their experience when launching a Fashion laboratory at our Institute. In 2021, MDIST administrative staff completed an internship under the "Volunteering" program at Sochi State University.