17 March 2022 865


On March 15, 2022, MDIS Tashkent held a Prize Draw for its vaccinated students.
Overall, we received requests from 271 students, who registered by uploading their Certificates of Vaccination against Covid-19 for participation in the Prize Draw. All certificates were carefully reviewed by MDIS Tashkent Medical Unit.
The winners were selected randomly during the lottery event. The results of the draw are as follows:
1. Narziyev Anvar Aminovich - Note Book
2. Khakimov Ramziddin Xodiyevich - Tablet
3. Sayfullayev Abdullo Xamidullo o'g'li - Bag with MDIST logo
4. Sunatov Javlonbek Jasur o'g'li - Bag with MDIST logo
5. Magerramova Adella Adilovna - Bag with MDIST logo
6. Abdujalilov Oyatullo Dilshodbek o’g’li - Book
7. Tulaganov Abdulaziz Abduraxim o'g'li - Book
8. Bekmirzaev Komronbek Otabek o'g'li - Book
9. Irmukhamedov MukhammadMustafo - Book
10. Jumaev Akobir Shokir o'g'li - T-Shirt with MDIST logo
11. Murodbekov Nodirbek Abdulla ugli - T-Shirt with MDIST logo
12. Khursanov Shakhzod Valijon o'g'li - T-Shirt with MDIST logo
13. Kakhramonova Zilola Jamshid qizi - T-Shirt with MDIST logo
14. Ergashev Jaloliddin O'ktam o'g'li - Cap with MDIST logo
15. Ibrokhimov Sayfiddin Baxtiyor o'g'li - Cap with MDIST logo
16. Valiev Anvar Emilevich - Cap with MDIST logo
17. Soburova Sayyora Melsovna - Cap with MDIST logo
18. Rahmatullayev Abdulaziz Faxriddinovich - Notebook with MDIST logo
19. Sevinch Gayratova - Notebook with MDIST logo
20. Alimov Olimkhoji Alisher ogli - Cup with MDIST logo
21. Kurbonov Azizbek Sobir o'g'li - Cup with MDIST logo
22. Gafurov Abror Akhrorovich - Cup with MDIST logo
23. Erdonova Shohsanam Erkin Qizi - Cup with MDIST logo
We sincerely congratulate all the winners and wish them the best of success in their studies!
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