24 November 2023 1203


Dear students!

Attention to students who have registered for the Hostel!

To confirm your residence at the Hostel, please follow the steps below:
1. Contact the Hostel manager, Ramilya Valeyeva, and submit an application for residence at Hostel, located at Chilanzar district, Qatortol 60, Yotoqxona Optovoy Bozor, 3rd floor. (Building "A," Room 108);
2. Copy of your passport/ID (with the address provided during registration "propiska");
3. Take a contract and make the payment.

Further steps regarding placement at the Hostel will be carried out through Ramilya Valeyeva.

Hurmatli talabalar!

Talabalar turar joyi (TTJ)ga ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan talabalar diqqatiga!

TTJda istiqomat qilish uchun quyidagi ketma-ketlikda hujjatlarni rasmiylashtirishingiz so‘raladi:
1. TTJ menejeri Ramilya Valeyeva (Rimma opa)ga murojaat qilib, TTJda yashash uchun ariza to‘ldiring (“A” bino, 108-xona);
2. Pasport/ID nusxasi (doimiy ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan manzili bilan) taqdim eting;
3. Shartnoma oling va to‘lovni amalga oshiring;
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