5 July 2022 818


Dear Students,

We are excited to announce that our partner University from Japan (Wakayama University) is offering an online summer program 2022 and welcome our students to join them for this intercultural opportunity.
This communicative course is designed for learners who want to study Japanese language, tourism, and culture. This will be delivered via Zoom video-conferencing software. (Recorded videos will be available after the lessons.)

The program is scheduled August 1 – August 5, 2022 as follows:
Session Part 1: 3:00 – 4:00 PM JST
Session Part 2: 4:10 – 5:10 PM JST

All classes will be conducted in English and students should have sufficient English language proficiency to successfully participate in the program.

The attached flyer provides additional information on the program. Wakayama University Summer Programm 2022

If you have any further inquiries please contact us via:
email: iem@mdis.uz
Tel: +99871 271 77 01
+99871 276 90 88
Or you can approach IEM Office.
Our working hours: Mondays through Fridays, from 9am to 6pm
Venue: MDIST (Building A), Room213

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