«Marketing in the New Normal: National and Global Trends»

December 15, 2021

Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent

Objectives of the symposium:

To bring together leading local and foreign experts, marketers, top managers of large companies, representatives of business structures to transfer experience to students in management, marketing and sales. The participants of the symposium will have a unique opportunity to get up-to-date knowledge and effective marketing and advertising tools from market experts.

The main thematic areas:

-  New challenges and tasks of modern marketing;

-  Digital marketing as a tool for building a successful business;

-  Topical issues of business in the period of globalization;

-  Youth marketing;

-  Internet Marketing;

-  Actual trends and new marketing tools.

Abstracts/Articles submitted for the conference are to be published as conference proceedings.

Working languages of the symposium : Uzbek, Russian and English.

Originality has to be at least 80%

Font: size - 14; type - Times New Roman; line space – 1.0. All margins are 2 cm.

Submission format:

  • title
  • abstract (500-600 words)
  • keywords (3-5)
  • bibliography

In case you are submitting in Russian or Uzbek, please, provide the title and keywords in English as well.

Please submit your articles with indication of full name, affiliation, degree, phone number and e-mail to  

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