April 14-15, 2022

Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent

Uzbekistan Textile and Garment Industry Association



Date: April 14-15, 2022

Time: 10:00 AM (Tashkent time zone)

Venue: Management Development Institute in Tashkent

Format of the event: Online, offline

Join the conference via the following ZOOM link:

Meeting ID: 829 9699 1394

Passcode: mdist

The ZOOM meeting room will be open at 13:30 PM

The aims of the Forum:

  • collaborative actions intended to transform social and environmental standards in the fashion industry;
  • support and promote sustainable fashion practices, facilitate collaboration among designers, reduce environmental damage and raise standards in the fashion industry.
  • lay the groundwork for fashion specialists in the fashion industry – to find suppliers, grow their sales, and get their products right;
  • attracting the attention of famous fashion professionals and experts to the challenges and opportunities of sustainable fashion to develop further prospects;
  • analyzing the trends and perspectives of sustainable fashion impact on business and economy in different countries
  • implementing new trends and latest sustainable fashions in the textile industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The main thematic areas of the conference:

- Digital fashion as a new phase in fashion design

- How to build a successful sustainable brand

- Technologies and creativity in fashion industry: emerging realities

- Environmental sustainability trends in the fashion industry

- Prospects for the development of the fashion industry in Uzbekistan

- Sustainable fashion

- The concept of fashion-marketing

- Fashion education: the most popular and interesting fashion professions.

- Process automation in the fashion industry


Abstracts/Articles submitted for the Forum are to be published as Roundtable proceedings.

Working languages of a conference: Russian, English, Uzbek.

Originality has to be at least 80%

Font: size – 14, type - Times New Roman; line space – 1.5. All margins are 2 cm.


Submission format:

  • title
  • abstract (500-600 words)
  • keywords (3-5)
  • bibliography


In case you are submitting in Russian or Uzbek, please, provide the title and keywords in English as well.

Please submit your articles with indication of full name, affiliation, degree, phone number and e-mail to before March 25, 2022

Please register for the event via the following link:


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